A healing message about polarities, vaccines, politics …

Take a deep breath. Slow down.
Read the following message, being open and curious as a child.
Read taking it with your heart – not with your brain.
Read as it is the Universe, God, Christ, or some loving person talking to you.

My beloved,

For that part of you that was not seen or understood as a child, I am sorry.

I am sorry that you did not feel safe because others couldn’t see things in the way you saw. I am sorry that others still can’t see things in the way that you do now.

I am sorry that they can’t see how the world would be a better and safer place if they could see it in the way you do.

I am sorry that you feel unsafe, misunderstood, or even that you don’t matter because they cannot see your way.

You matter, and you are loved, my child. 
You are loved even when you don’t feel seen or understood.
You are loved.

You are loved because there is only love holding everything together.

My love is a love that you can’t truly grasp. It is beyond your understanding. Yet, you may feel it when you open up to it.

You may not be able to see or understand this love that I, the Universe, hold for you, all the time, no matter what.

Your brain can’t really understand that if you opened up for this love, your world would change. Immediately. 

You would feel safe, seen, accepted, and loved, no matter what.

I, too, know that if you could see, feel and understand things in the way I do, your world would be better. 

But, I cannot (and I will not) forcefully make you see and understand things in the way I would like you to. In the same way, you cannot forcefully make others see and understand things in the way you would like them to.
You have to be open to me.
“They” have to be open to you.
You have to be open to “them.”

All I can hope is that, at some point, you can open up for the possibility of the love I hold for you. No matter what your viewpoint is. No matter how you behave.

When you cannot see, understand, accept what I see. Or even when you cannot love me back, I hold no judgments. None of that is required for me to love and accept you. I simply love you.

For a moment, can you imagine how it would feel if you could drop the need to be seen and understood by others too? You are already seeing and understood by me.

Can you imagine how it would be if you offered “the others” what you wish for yourself?

Can you imagine how it could feel if they could experience you seeing, understanding, accepting, and loving them for who they are? And if you could accept them even if they see the world differently from you? 

Can you imagine how that would feel if they offered the same to you with an open heart?

For a moment, can you imagine how it would be if each of you could hold your worldview, feeling safe and loved in it without having to make others change theirs?

Could it be what both of you truly need and want?

Here, my healing invitation for you:

  • Take a moment to open up for the love and acceptance I have for you. No matter what. Know that it is possible and connect with it.
  • Hold this love and acceptance towards that part of you that needs to receive it the most. 
  • Be with it. See, feel, understand, accept, and love that part of you that needs it. Which part of your wounded inner child needs it? The artistic part? The sassy part? The anxious and scared one? The loud one? The quiet one?
  • Provide comfort for this aspect of you. Make it feel safe while being seen. Allow emotions to come. Allow your adult self to be what your inner child needs it to be.
  • Then, take the next step. Exercise this capacity to see, feel, understand, accept, and love that part of yourself towards people around you. Extend this exercise to loved ones, the children in your family, the neighbors, the social network, the global community.

Even if you cannot see, understand, accept or love it, you are all one. What you do to yourself, you do to others. What you do to others, you are doing it to yourself. There is no way out of it.

On whatever side you believe you are on, deep inside, all that each of you wants is to be seen, understood, accepted, and loved.

The funny part is that you already are. You are just looking for it in the wrong places. Try to look for it within.

With love,

The Universe.

Take a deep breath. Slow down even more.
Reread it.
Could you take it in? With love.

(This message emerged through Iria Sebastiao in a free-flow writing exercise on October, 16th 2021)

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