If you are missing flow or feeling stuck or confused about anything, I encourage you to exercise free-flow writing daily. Preferably do it in the morning, when the brain is not super active yet, and perhaps after just a bit of deep breathing. If you are a bit sleepy, it is even better. Believe me! It can get surprisingly interesting! (Keep reading on!)
Free-flow writing is an exercise of writing without judgment.
- It allows releasing blocks and resistances that prevent ideas from coming.
- It provides space for flow, freedom of expression, and creativity.
- It can enable unexpected and helpful messages and insights to emerge.
- It can help you find answers to deep questions, healing for emotional wounds, and space to just be yourself.
You can do intentional flow with any expressive art. You can dance, sing, paint, pottery, but writing it is pretty handy when you are sleepy and sitting on the bed in the morning.
For free-flow writing, you only need a notebook and a pen and write without judging it. If it feels stuck, you write about feeling stuck. Just keep writing. That is it!
You can start with a word that may take you to unknown places. Or, you can start with a question to see what emerges. The purpose is to get your usual mind out of the way.
You can be intentionally ritualistic about it. Or, you can intend it to be a fun and curious activity. And, to add a sparkle to the process, you can call in or ask a question to some sort of archetype or entity to which you feel connected or curious. It can be something like the Universe, God, Angels, Freddie Mercury, or even the tooth fairy or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And, if you are more into traditional psychology, you can ask your subconscious or inner parts of yourself. Whatever calls you. Whatever rocks your boat!
The point is getting out of the habitual brainy thinking and allowing something else to emerge. It can be surprising! (I will describe below an example of it.)
This writing exercise can allow a dance between conscious and subconscious. It can reveal new ways of seeing a situation or bring more flexibility into your thinking. It alone can help relieve stress and bring more creativity and joy.
Intro to a pretty and surprising message that came from a free-writing exercise
Unexpectedly, one of these mornings, some of the themes that surfaced were judgment, polarities, and the prevailing “us versus them” narrative in all media. You know, vaccine mandates, masks, politics, flat earth, aliens, Kardashians, Paleo diet, kale juice. You get the point!
I started my free-writing exercise with an unrelated personal question, which eventually led to the word “judgment.” Judgment took me to the “cancel culture” and the “us versus them” narrative, which led me to the individual and collective pain that comes with it.
Polarization and the “us versus them” narrative are hurtful to all of us. It increases separation, anger, fear, and it triggers deep emotional wounds in everyone. (Whether we are aware of it, not.) Moreover, those unresolved personal emotional wounds significantly add unconscious fuel to fear, anger, and pain.
In the writing process, specific triggers and parts of me that need healing emerged. It showed what I need to look and heal in myself, so I may not feel so emotionally reactive about others’ behaviors and choices and even about the polarization itself.
The writing process brought a surprisingly loving message, which felt like a possible personal and collective healing step. For those who believe in it, it felt like a channeled message or a download. I experienced as it came through me, not from me. I was pleasantly surprised by what emerged.
If you are curious about it, you can read it here: A Healing Message About Polarities, Vaccine, Politics …
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