Spiritual Life Coaching
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Is a Spiritual Life Coaching for me?
How would it feel like to commit to yourself and your vision boldly and feel supported by a skilled professional who will:
- Be committed to taking you from good to great,
- Believe in you more than you can believe in yourself,
- Hold you accountable to your vision, and
- Not believe in the negative stories you tell yourself and keep you from your vision and powerful life.
If that feels good and right, Spiritual Life Coaching is for you.
Who is Spiritual Life Coaching for?
Spiritual Life Coaching is for those who:
- Are committed to transforming their lives and taking actions towards what makes their hearts sing,
- Are tired of feeling tired and want to take practical measures to feel more lively and energized each day,
- Are open to cultivating a calm and safe space to find more clarity,
- Take responsibility for their choices and the life they are creating,
- Want to learn how to trust themselves on deeper levels,
- Are open to growing and expanding in more alignment with themselves.
Who is Spiritual Life Coaching NOT for?
Spiritual Life Coaching is NOT for those who:
- Are not willing to embrace personal change and personal growth, or want to keep life as it used to be,
- Are not ready to commit and connect with themselves to find inner answers and guidance,
- Blame others and the circumstances for their situation, and cannot take responsibility for their actions, behaviors or emotions,
- Prefer to remain a victim of circumstances and feel sorry for themselves.
Does this Spiritual Life Coaching follow a certain religion or a spiritual line? I am ____ religious, agnostic, gnostic, atheist or have my own spiritual path. I am not sure if this is for me.
No. Even though I have my way of connecting with my spirituality, I don’t impose specific beliefs on my clients. During a session, I listen to the guidance presented, which is informed by what you are verbally sharing, my professional experience and other subtle aspects of our connection. I tend to mirror your way of expressing yourself, respecting and honoring your personal views, life experience and values.
At the same time, I will also challenge limiting beliefs, lies, and self-deceiving stories that keep you from making bold choices in life, following through and trusting yourself completely. The inquiry is an invitation to be curious and explore new perspectives and possibilities.
Questioning different aspects of your life, values, beliefs, relationships and behaviors is part of what may free you. It is part of releasing you from what keeps you in pain and holding yourself small.
I am an atheist, or I don't believe woowoo stuff, would a Spiritual Life Coach work for me?
Probably. First, my approach respects your culture, way of being and frame of thinking. Spirituality, in my view, is everything; it is everyday life. It is not about religions or specific viewpoints about spirituality. The process focuses on your way of connecting with yourself and your sense of alignment and integrity. It is a process that will challenge the stories that hold you back but will not take you to a specific belief system. But, it will help you connect with your heart and cultivate healthier relationships with yourself, others and the world.
We can utilize the language “woo-woo stuff,” psychology, behaviors, neuroscience, systems, physics, computer programming, Star Wars, or other movies and cartoons. Wherever rocks your boat! The point is to create a safe and welcoming space to connect with yourself, allow more well-being, and make progress towards your goals.
Is Spiritual Life Coaching psychotherapy?
No. Even though the process can feel therapeutic, it is not therapy. It does NOT involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and this is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals. It is the client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed.
Although I am a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT) in the state of California, and I utilize a range of skills that come from my diverse background, my Spiritual Coaching service is not psychotherapy and it is not under a specific license or a board of services.
If the client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, the client is recommended to inform the provider about the nature and scope of this service. If I observe that psychotherapy would be recommended for the client, we will discuss options that can include referral to a different provider.
What is Spiritual Life Coaching and what to expect?
What is Spiritual Life Coaching? How does it help with practical problems?
It is a process that helps you find more alignment and a sense of wholeness within yourself. It brings more peace, harmony and openness to possibilities. On the practical level, it will help you take action with more clarity and trust in life, work and relationships. You may release a lot of emotional wounds, fears and judgments that are preventing you from living more fully. You can learn to trust more in yourself and your process while bringing more zest and flow in aspects of life that may feel heavy or stuck. It will transform how you see yourself, your life and your possibilities.
How are the sessions and how does Spiritual Life Coaching work?
Each experience and session is unique because everyone has a different need and readiness. I meet you where you are, and together, we co-create a safe and calm space to create the movement that needs to happen. You will bring your challenges, and my intuition and professional skills will guide us through the following steps. You will find insights, healing and integration. The ultimate goal is transformation towards what you deeply want to create.
What can I expect from the Spiritual Life Coaching process?
You can expect to be respected and honored for your personal views, life experience and values. You can expect that I will hold you accountable for your goals. You can expect that we will work in the lies, self-deception and your inability to make bold choices in life, follow through and trust yourself completely.
If you choose to commit to yourself and our process, you will learn how not to let fear get in the way of your action. You will be ok with noticing and feeling the fear, but you will not let it get in your way.
At times, you may feel apprehensive, and this is a normal part of the journey. Many people feel nervous before their first appointment and before sessions and exercises that may bring significant shifts. But, generally, when you take that chance to trust and go deeper, you grow. That alone can be a great healing moment.
What are the outcomes from Spiritual Life Coaching?
If you commit to engaging and trusting in your process, you will start taking bolder actions towards what you want and not let the fear hold you back again. And, in the process, you will:
- Heal and release deep emotional wounds that hold you back,
- Have more clarity about what you want,
- Have more trust in yourself and life,
- Feel more confident,
- Have healthier relationships with yourself, others, work, and life in general,
- Better connect with a sense of joy and expansion, and feel more energized,
- Be better able to set boundaries and make choices for your well-being,
- Better navigate situations that are uncertain and challenging,
- Cultivate actions towards a bolder and more fulfilling life.
How long is the Spiritual Life Coaching?
The length of this life coaching process is deeply personal to each individual.
If you are ready to truly commit to yourself and your goals, we will co-create a tailored program. Thus, it can have a different format, length and frequency according to your needs. Nevertheless, it will hold you accountable for what you are deeply yearning for.
Or, you can choose to do single sessions at your pace. In this case, I recommend starting with weekly sessions to help strengthen the movement you want to create.
In either case, when it is time to part, we ought to have a session for closure as a way of experiencing a healthy and friendly goodbye – or see you later. That is because we usually don’t have a chance of heartfelt goodbyes, and this experience can be very healing.
Practical information
Do you provide in-person or online sessions?
Currently, sessions are provided online via video conference platforms (Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime or Skype).
How long do appointments last?
The appointment is typically 50 minutes.
I encourage clients to take additional 5-15 minutes of quiet time before and after the session. It is a way of getting more out of the process —clients who take this extra time report more progress and insights.
How much do you charge?
Single sessions are US$ 122. But, there are packages with special discounts.
Request a free consultation by clicking here.
Do you take insurance?
Nope. Sorry, but insurances don’t cover spiritual life coaching or other life coaching services, regardless of how it could support your well-being.
How are the procedures for requesting appointments and payment?
- Schedule an appointment here.
- I will send a link for you to pay with PayPal or Credit Card.
- If you want to check if we are a good match before the first session, you can request a free initial consultation by clicking here.
What is your cancellation policy?
To cancel or reschedule, you are expected to give at least a 48 hours (2 full days) notification in advance of your appointment.
If you are late, that session may be shortened depending on availability. If you are more than 15 minutes late, I will assume the appointment to be canceled.
See more details about the cancellation practice in the agreement sent to your email at the beginning of our coaching commitment.
How often will we meet?
In the beginning, I suggest we meet once a week. This schedule helps build momentum towards what you want and prevents stalling. Once movement has been established, we can meet less often or for occasional tune-ups.
I also can provide occasional sessions to support with occasional angst.
For package commitment, the frequency and length of sessions will vary case by case.
Do you have packages available?
At times, powerful tailored packages are available if you are truly committed to transforming your life, and once we ensure we are a good fit to work together.
How do I explore package options?
Let’s see if we are a good fit! Request a free 15-minute consultation here.
When a package commitment is a right option for me?
- Believe in you more than you can believe in yourself,
- Hold you accountable to your vision,
- Not believe in the negative stories you tell yourself and keep you from your vision and powerful life,
- Be committed to taking you from good to great.
Trauma-informed care approach
Often, clients are stuck in certain behaviors and emotions that hold them back from what they want. This “stuckness” is usually related to deeper emotional wounds (or trauma) that affect their perception, choices, actions and inaction.
Procrastination, resistance to change, conflict avoidance, guilt, shame, fear, and repetitive “poor choices” can be unconscious scripts to keep you safe from deeper fears.
Standard coaching techniques like writing a vision, making an action plan, and affirmations will not work if you cannot feel safe within yourself while taking action.
If you want to go above and beyond your current reality, feeling safe within yourself is THE most important skill that a coach can teach you. And if your coach is not trained that way, s/he can take you only so far.
As a Spiritual Life Coach with a past experience as a licensed therapist working with complex trauma, I bring a set of skills that not every coach can have. In my role as coach, I will not dig into the past and process trauma, but I will consider that trauma frame and help you learn to feel safe within yourself to create the changes you want.
I will help you feel seen, validated, and safe to express yourself and experiment with new ways of being and acting more conducive to achieving your goals.
I will help you rewrite the old scripts that are keeping you stuck. I will help you write new and more empowering scripts, so you can create the career, relationships and life that your heart is yearning for.
Additional questions
- If you have other questions, send an email to contact@iriasebastiao.com
Appointment request
- If you want to check if we are a good match to work together, you can also request a free consultation, by clicking the button below.