The force is with you

An invitation to use your imagination.

Let’s look at psychology through the lens of physics – a thought experiment.

Watch the short video below replacing the words “things”, “objects”, or “bicycle” for “habits”.

Even better, keep in mind one “thing” or “habit” you want to change in your life or in a relationship, but you keep on repeating it.

For example: a recurrent argument with a loved one, a recurrent issue with relationships in general, or a recurrent promise of exercising or eating better, or a recurrent attempt of doing _____ (name it) differently.

Old habits might “die hard”. But, we definitely can change them. People, and neuroscience, show it all the time!

We can change our habits by using our “force” (skills with will power) to move the “mass” (habit or pattern) to “accelerate” towards the improvements we wish in our lives and relationships.

It starts with recognizing what we want to change and building the “force” (skills with will power) to accelerate change.

May the force be with you!