Coming out … on video – a birthday rite of passage

After “I came out” as a Spiritual Coach (in mid of September 2021), I had to work on “coming out” on videos. I was trying to record videos on subjects that I found relevant, but it was super challenging for me. It didn’t matter how well I knew a topic, or how articulate I could be when talking to a person, when I turned the camera on, I froze. 😬  

So, on my birthday (first week of October), I decided to make a video, no matter what. It intended to be my rite of passage to get over myself and my insecurities.

Generally, I like to utilize my birthdays as a New Year ritual. After all, it is a new year in my life. I like to take the day to reflect and be intentional. I review how life is going, what I am grateful for and what I want for my next trip around the sun. I meditate, I journal, I set intentions, and more. This year, I also wanted to take a step towards expanding my ways of serving the world. So, I did it.

In this process, I am having to get over my perfectionism, insecurities and fear of judgments. It feels very vulnerable putting my face, voice and thoughts to the public observation.  However, I know that by showing up and providing valuable content, I will be able to support more people, and that is what truly counts. 

I am sharing the “coming out video,” in which I share a little more about my coming out as a “Spiritual Coach,” and my own conflict with this title. Because, even though I do resonate with it, I, myself, think “spiritual coach sounds like bullshit”. However, on the practical level, and on how I support my clients, it makes sense. Perhaps, it will make more sense to you too when you watch the video and learn more about what spirituality means for me and how it guides my sessions and my work. 

If you are open to support my unfolding process in front of the camera 😬, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, here. And, when I am famous and friends with Oprah, you can say “I have been following her since she didn’t even know how to be on camera! And look at her now!” 😆  Well, it is my birthday, I get to dream big! 😉

I truly want to make my YouTube channel a source of meaningful and useful topics that support people towards more understanding of themselves and their processes. I want to provide space for personal growth while cultivating self-compassion, self-love and healthy relationships. 

The messages I want to send are meant to cultivate a sense of:
💗  Love over fear, 
💗  More acceptance towards self and others, 
💗  Courage to take steps towards what feels right in your heart. 

If that speaks to you, I hope you subscribe to the channel, and hit the bell to know when I have the courage to upload new videos. Any positive vibe in that direction is more than welcome!

The topic that I am “cooking” for the next video is “overwhelm.” I am coming across many people that are feeling overwhelmed and would like to find some relief. I hope I can contribute in that direction. 

Meanwhile, be kind to yourself! 💗

Iria Sebastiao, MA

>> You can click here for the “coming out” video. Hopefully, it is the first of many with increasing quality over time. Isn’t everything about practice? 🙂