Medicine for the soul. Take it daily!

Let’s bring to attention a simple “medicine” that can help alleviate and even “heal” many of our problems. But because it is simple, very few people “take it”consistently.

We all complain about stress at times, being too busy and overwhelmed. And, deep inside, we know that we need peace and quiet to recalibrate. This way, we can connect with ourselves, feel more centered, and keep going.

And, even though we know what we need, do we allow time for quiet and peace as often as we need? Probably not.

We have become addicted to noise, distractions, and being busy. Resting, doing nothing, being in peace may bring guilty and feel disturbing for many. Yet, underneath that disturbance and unnecessary guilt, we can find our cozy and peaceful home within.

And, if you have a hard time finding your peace and connecting with yourself, feel free to reach out and request a session. I can help you find your way to your inner home. 

Meanwhile, I would like to invite you to create space to nurture some peace and quiet regularly:

  • Make the time to “just be.” Allow yourself to recalibrate and connect with yourself. 
  • Be present with you in your body. 
  • Pay attention to your heart area. Try to listen to your heartbeat. Notice the magic it makes by pumping a “red potion” (aka blood) that keeps you alive each day.

If the quiet time is too hard, at least find moments to contemplate something beautiful in your day. Be present to it: smell the roses, watch the sunrise or sunset, or appreciate a tree’s beauty or someone’s kind gesture. The intentions and action of contemplating beauty can also be a doorway for more calm and peace.

Peace, quiet and beauty are in the small things – and everything is small!

Remember to notice it.

Peace, quiet and beauty are medicine for the soul.

What is medicine for the soul is medicine for the body and mind.

Take this medicine daily!