Currently, one of my hobbies is (online) Improv Theatre. When I took my first Improv workshop many years ago, I wanted to overcome the fear of “being on the spot.” I noticed that I was hiding from professional and personal opportunities greatly because of the anxiety of getting attention. As I wanted to be bolder in my life, despite the HUGE anxiety about the class itself, I enrolled in the workshop – and I loved it!
Nowadays, I do regular Improv because, aside from having fun, it is a regular practice of:
🌟 Being present in the moment,
🌟 Listening to others and responding collaboratively,
🌟 Being calm in the face of uncertainty,
🌟 Being courageous to take chances,
🌟 Being ok with making mistakes, (hey, any other fellow perfectionist out there?)
🌟 Keeping on going, without suffering, after making mistakes,
🌟 Being kind and generous to help others to do well,
🌟 And much more!
Now, think of a change or transition that was challenging in your life.
Then, look the list above again, and imagine if you had those skills, heightened, during that time. Wouldn’t that phase of life be a little easier on you?
Do you have a practice that helps you in that way? What is it?
Please, share. It can help others too. 😊