
Iria Sebastião, Spiritual Life Coach & Catalyst for Personal Change​

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Is your inner child in the closet?

Is your inner child in the closet? Have you been feeling too busy, anxious, sad, irritable or frustrated lately? As adults, we can easily get lost in our duties and

How to connect with your teenager

Below is a message I wrote to a mother asking for advice because she was concerned about her 12-year-old son. She felt that he was being distant from her, as

Criticism doesn’t work

The way we talk to ourselves can make a huge difference in our lives and relationships and also how we pursue our goals and dreams. The journey towards what we

Feel More Grounded a Calm

Recurrently feeling stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, lost or other unpleasant feelings signals that we have forgotten ourselves. It shows that we spend too much time and energy on what drains our

When the pain turns into something beautiful

{Triggering Warning} This post tells a story about a funeral of a “difficult person,” but mostly it’s about healing. Last Monday, to support my goddaughter, I attended her father’s funeral.