
Iria Sebastião, Spiritual Life Coach & Catalyst for Personal Change​

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Which inner parent is louder?

At times, we admire people for their actions and accomplishments, but it is just another day for them. And on the other hand, people admire and compliment us for what

Finding peace

In the perspective of the psychologist Carl Jung, what happens in the collective reflects ourselves as individuals. This concept used to be very abstract to me. But, after more years

How life could be lighter?

We tend to carry heavier burdens than we need and make things harder than they need to be, but it is hard to see these patterns alone. You are certainly

This is not your regular Valentines’ post

Valentine’s in the USA is the day of cards, hearts, teddy bears, chocolates and busy restaurants. Some people enjoy the day. Others feel sad or melancholy because they don’t have

Have you kissed your shoulder today?

Hello lovely,  I hope you are having a good and fun week. 😃 If you are not, I hope you take some time to connect with something that brings you

Medicine for the soul. Take it daily!

Let’s bring to attention a simple “medicine” that can help alleviate and even “heal” many of our problems. But because it is simple, very few people “take it”consistently. We all

what is it you truly desire

What you truly desire … and the trap

“What is it you really desire” is a question that the character Lucifer makes in the Netflix show of the same name. In the show, the inquiry helps solve entertaining

Feel More Grounded a Calm

Recurrently feeling stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, lost or other unpleasant feelings signals that we have forgotten ourselves. It shows that we spend too much time and energy on what drains our

When the pain turns into something beautiful

{Triggering Warning} This post tells a story about a funeral of a “difficult person,” but mostly it’s about healing. Last Monday, to support my goddaughter, I attended her father’s funeral.