
Iria Sebastião, Spiritual Life Coach & Catalyst for Personal Change​

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Holidays and the “what ifs” of life

It is December, and this month tends to be bitter-sweet for many people. It usually brings joyful memories and exciting possibilities for new celebrations. But also, it can bring nostalgia about

Too much pressure?

When we put too much pressure on ourselves: 👉🏼 It is hard to rest 👉🏼 It is hard to relax 👉🏼 It is hard to feel good about ourselves 👉🏼

What got you here will not get you there

What got you here, will not get you there

How do you understand the expression: What got you here, will not get you there? For me, another way of saying it is: what got your current level of success (in

Are you usually crazy busy?

Dear crazy busy workaholic, Did you know that “crazy busy” and work is a greater armor to hide and numb ourselves? Did you know that, unconsciously, we use work as

Burnout and pressure at work

Is it only me? 🤔

Is it only me, or have you also felt the pressure to “suck it up and keep going” at work when you are not feeling well? Even when you are

Feel More Grounded a Calm

Recurrently feeling stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, lost or other unpleasant feelings signals that we have forgotten ourselves. It shows that we spend too much time and energy on what drains our

When the pain turns into something beautiful

{Triggering Warning} This post tells a story about a funeral of a “difficult person,” but mostly it’s about healing. Last Monday, to support my goddaughter, I attended her father’s funeral.